Personal Details
First Name
Last Name
Which gender do you Identify with?
Gender Diverse
Contact Number
Contact Email Address
Is there anything else that you would like to tell us that will help us better support you in participating in the workshop?
DJing Details
Please select which workshop stream you would like to register for (content delivered will be the same)
All gender workshop
Female and gender diverse workshop
Which is your preferred day to participate in the workshop (see above for times)?
Tuesdays (26th Nov, 3rd Dec, 10th Dec, 17th Dec)
Wednesdays (27th Nov, 4th Dec, 11th Dec, 18th Dec)
Either days’ work for me
What made you register and what would you like to gain from this DJ workshop?
(e.g. Fun, building networks, get gigs)
Have you tried DJing before?
What sort of music would you like to DJ?
Do you have access to the following equipment that you could bring along to the workshops (note we will provide anything you don’t have)?
Headphones (over ear)
Device (preferably a laptop)
Music formatted USB
Additional Info
Do you have a current Warrnambool Library membership or would be happy to sign up? Note this will be a requirement for using The Studio.
Have you previously been engaged in other FReeZA programs or participated in FReeZA events?
Where did you hear about this workshop?
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