Please ensure that you:
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Supporting documentation you will need (where applicable) includes:
Child's birth certificate OR Child's Passport OR Statutory Declaration in the event that you do not have a birth certificate OR Passport.
Proof of residency within the Warrnambool City Council municipality in the form of:
A Utility Bill ie. Electricty, Gas, telephone bill issued in the last 3 months, or
Copy of a relevant building permit, or
Copy of a tenancy agreement if applicable.
Proof of Parent/s / Guardian/s working or studying within Warrnambool City Council municipality, but don't reside within the Warrnambool City Council municipality:
A letter from your employer issued within the last 3 months, stating that you are currently working within the Warrnambool City Council municipality.
A letter from your registered training organisation issued within the last 3 months, stating that you are currently studying within the Warrnambool City Council municipality.
Child's current immunisation statement from Medicare.
Court order/s if applicable.
Concession Card if applicable.
Letter from appropriate professional or support agency verifying your child is assessed as having additional needs, a disability or developmental delay if applicable.
Copy of NDIS plan if applicable.
Medical documentation displaying a professional diagnosis for your child if applicable.
Letter from a case manager or support agency verifying how your child meets high priority criteria if applicable.
If you have any issues or need assistance with your application our Early Years Administrators will be only too happy to assist.
Please contact us on 55594800 or send an email along with your contact details with a brief explanation of your issue to